Here we have the best of all world's - a very late model Royal
#10 that is one of the few transitional models from the Royal
#10 to the Royal KHM.
This was a plus in old bangers big time. You are probably saying
to yourself - "Just what is a transitional model?"
If there was ever any hope of catching Underwood, Royal had
to make a big time change in their machine. Gaining in popularity
in newer machines, Royal was coming out with a new way to shift
down to caps. No other machine was using that at the time including
Underwood they had to raise the whole back of the carage to shift
to caps. Rubber mounted shock over the typewriter feet and enclosed
the sides.

With all these changes and additions, Royal now had one Foxy banger
that was a hard act to follow, and in short order sales surpassed Underwood
and Royal was #1 and remained at the top in sales in the United States
until the end.

There was a down side to this machine and that was the
high-gloss paint which made it hard to look at without wearing your
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This website and all material contained herein © Copyright
2001 by Dan Puls
Version 1.0 website (AOL) originally created and maintained
by Louis Brandt Thanks Louis!
Version 2.0 website (Tripod) created and maintained by Dwayne