For those of you not willing to pay the high price of a vintage Streamliner, I offer for your perusal this beautiful Remington Early Model 5 machine. Built to the same specs as the Streamliner, but without the high price tag and lacquer finish, this Remington was built to last.This machine arrived at MrTypewriter's hacienda in very nice condition. I fed it, gave it a bath, and welcomed it home. After replacing a few springs, giving it a new ribbon and replacing its pre-war feet with new rubber, it could pass for a factory fresh offering!Drop MrTypewriter a line quick, before an E-Bay bidder grabs this one while its cooling on the kitchen windowsill! |
This website and all material contained herein © Copyright 2001 by Dan Puls
Version 1.0 website (AOL) originally created and maintained by Louis Brandt Thanks Louis!
Version 2.0 website (Tripod) created and maintained by Dwayne Wilson