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Typewriter Keys

Hundreds and hundreds of typewriter keys!

With hundreds of machines being unloaded on the docks of my home warehouse every month, I should have an ample supply of keys to offer without having to go to auction.

I will never destroy a machine unless it is totally beyond repair. For the most part, I would be one of the few people who would still know when an old typer is really a goner.

For those in need of keys - contact me - and we'll see what we can work out.

Remington #5 Streamliner with red starter, shift key, backspace key, etc.
You won't find many of these around anymore.

A century old Royal #1 typewriter. I check out a few of these glass top old timers
and they will clean up with a bit of polishing.

For the Hemingway fans - These are for the 1939/40 Royal Quiet Deluxe.
A Hem favorite.

Underwood # 5 from the twenty's in slate green. Very nice with great nickel.



This website and all material contained herein © Copyright 2001 by Dan Puls

Version 1.0 website (AOL) originally created and maintained by Louis Brandt Thanks Louis!

Version 2.0 website (Tripod) created and maintained by Dwayne Wilson