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Hey Jude

When the call came in for a dynamite pre-war banger for the new movie "All the King's Men" starring Jude Law - People magazine's "Sexiest Man Alive", my thinking was - who's that? Now I thought it should be someone like Bogart or Wayne, but since they have long since gone toes up I immediately wondered why it wasn't Tom Hanks who I'm told is still in the business, and as Forrest Gump....well - maybe not.

hey jude

So I immediately went to one of my younger elves who seems to be more in touch with 'who's who' in Tinseltown these days.


O.K. - it has now been brought to my 'aged' attention that none of the above actors that I would put in the "Sexiest Man Alive" category were ever even in the running! (Sorry Tom!)

With that problem behind me, the next thing on the menu was to find a pre-war typer that not only looks the part, but can still do the job it was intended for. My first thought was to use one of Hemingway's favorites - the Quiet Deluxe, however the set director's thinking was more of a 'high gloss' black banger with a big-time shine.


After some hours of hard labor and working my special magic, a pair of professional high gloss elves were now in order.


As a long day draws to a close, the question is asked over and over, "Will he be pleased?, Will he be able to type his own name on it?"

"Will he think I am pretty...?"


Night - night my little elf!

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