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1938 / 39 Royal Quiet DeLuxe


Young at Heart

Here is a very early Royal Quiet Deluxe from around 1938/39. (see the round shift keys)

This old timer has been really wanting to get back into the game but had the problem of so many in this day and age, and that is the color.


O.K. - listen up - I realized that to keep this young at heart old banger in the ball game a complete makeover was in order. The first thing on the menu was a good bath and adjustments with new roller, feed rolls, bail rolls, and a fresh ribbon.

Now this is where MrT works his magic with a face lift to the old timer. Same old Hemingway favorite, but now with a touch of color. So here he is before you representing the best of both worlds for the color conscious word smith.


In order to keep my pals out in typerland happy, I will be doing these old Hemingway favorites in other flavors too. (Please no pink - as we are talking Hemingway not...... well, I better not go there...)



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