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With all that in mind - here are some of the thousands of ribbons that are available, descriptions listed left to right:
Top Row: #1 - Corona three bank with knurled nut that screws to ribbon drive post in order to hold spool on. #2 - Corona #4 this may look something like the later Corona spools however it is smaller in size. #3 - Standard pre-war starting with the flat top Corona and going to early post war. #4 - All Smith-Corona portables post war. #5 - All LC Smith and Smith-Corona's full size desk top typewriters
Bottom Row: #1 Underwood or Royal early models without ribbon reverse (portables) #2 - Second model Royal and Underwood portables with ribbon reverse #3 - Most Underwood typewriters starting with the #5 and ending with the TouchMasters. Also most Royal portables post war. #4 - Underwood Touch Master flange spool. #5 - Underwood Olivetti, all models. |
Top row: #1 - Royal old style #5
(Third row from the top continued) #3 - Remington's #10 through #16's up until Model 17 #4 - Remington portable until the Quiet Riter. All models #5 - Remington's #17 through all models after. Also all Underwood/Remington Noiseless machines and Remington Quiet Riters. Bottom Row #1 - Hermes, all models #2 - Olympia all models sold in the United States #3 - Olympia and some other German machines with large spool posts. #4 - Adler and all other models wth the 9/16th wide ribbons. #5 - Woodstock most models
Many of the above would need a reversing eyelet at both ends of the ribbon. Without this, the ribbon would not change direction when it comes to the end. EX: All Royal portables, Underwood portables and desktops to TouchMaster need the eyelet. Also the Corona portables starting with #4 and through all models thereafter also need eyelets. Examples of machines that don't need eyelets are: Royal full size, Olympia portables and full size machines, Adlers, Remingtons and all model Woodstocks. Of course, these are just samples. Most machines will take red/black ribbons. As all ribbons have a shelf life, (if sealed), of a few years, many of the larger companies would make tens of thousands at a time and then ship them to dealers whou would sell a few each month or week with their stock ending up a year or so old by the time the last one was sold and it was time to re-order. While they were still technically "new", they were still a few years old by the time they were sold. Now it has become my policy over the years to only make 4 or 5 dozen a week unless more are needed as I have heard this complaint all too often. By adhering to this policy, all my ribbons are fresh to the customer. If a special order is needed for one or two ribbons, I can always rewind any half-inch ribbon from one spool to another and cut the eyelets off or staple them as required. For every day typing needs, I do not see the need for using a vintage metal spool on machines like the Hermes, Olympia, Smith-Coronas, Royals, etc. I have some customers that are very serious writers and may go through a dozen or so each month. Having said that though, for the vintage Underwood #5's, #6's or the Royal #5's and #10's along with many of the portables with open tops - you don't want to place a Mickey Mouse looking plastic spool on the old banger. This would only serve to show very bad taste . Now some of the spools are *very* hard to come by at any price, spools like the Remington #10's, #12's and #16's along with the little Corona Three bank, Four banks and all Remington portables up the Quiet Riter. Unfortunately, I am unable to give set prices on all metal spools, with or without ribbons at this time as my supply are limited to a few thousand and they do not make them anymore. But, some of my prices are as follows: - Fresh nylon ribbons on plastic spools are $10.00 each with shipping priced at $3.80 for up to six (6) ribbons total. - I can offer a 12 pack of ribbons on plastic spools at $8.00 each with free shipping. - I can mix on plastic spools for all machines, however plastic spools are not made for all machines. What I am saying is that a person can order 3 Hermes, 3 Olympia, 3 Royal and 3 Smith-Corona total of 12 - for the same price of $8.00 each, as they are all available with plastic spools. Metal spools will be priced on an individual basis, on request.
website and all material contained herein © Copyright 2006 by Dan Puls